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As Seen On BBC CountryFile 21st July 2019

Immerse yourself in quiet tranquility, gaze out across still waters as the sun pierces the canopy with dappled light, marvel at rides of wild flowers, find your peace in Antony Woodland Garden...

Welcome to Cornwall’s best-kept secret; Antony Woodland Garden and Woodland Walks. A place where time has no bounds. A place where there are no rules or restrictions. Just seemingly endless woodlands to wander through, relax in and marvel at all that mother nature has to offer.

Situated adjacent to National Trust property, Antony House and its formal garden, the 100 acre Antony Woodland Garden & Woodland Walks provide a tranquil and relaxing corner of South East Cornwall.

Unspoiled woodland sweeps down to the Lynher estuary where you will discover secluded coves and stunning views across the water.

Modern sculptures from celebrated international artists are secreted away amongst the International Collection of Camellias, Magnolias, Rhododendrons, Azaleas, and Hydrangeas all of which in their season are a wonder to behold.

Antony Woodland Garden is delighted to be a member of the Great British Gardens as well as part of the select group Great Gardens of Cornwall.





Did you know?… Some of Tim Burton’s 2010 blockbusting film Alice in Wonderland was filmed at Antony Woodland Garden? Try and find the famous ‘rabbit hole’ that leads to a different world with a Mad Hatter and Cheshire Cat.

Wander endlessly through the woodland garden

Wander at your leisure along paths dappled by sunlight or shimmering in the morning mist leaving the hum-drum of modern life further behind with every step. You will discover new views and perspectives at every turn as you move from woodland glades to open rides full of wild flowers. Let your children explore and discover, run and climb, immerse themselves in mother nature at her most creative, her most beautiful, her most comforting.

Whatever your choice, Antony Woodland Garden provides a natural haven in which to find sanctuary from the pressures of modern life, and we welcome you with open arms.


  • "Stunning woodland walks all year around. Lovely little tea room for snacks/light lunches."

  • "Tranquil setting and large selection of plants, with lots of lovely interesting things to look for"

  • "Beautiful location and friendly staff. Come and visit"

  • "Stunning views, beautiful garden and fabulous vintage tea room with wonderful cakes and coffee served on proper china. Lovely gifts for sale too"

  • "A fabulous day out! We spent hours just wandering and marvelling at the amazing plants, trees and wildlife. There is the added bonus of the Vintage Cafe that serves really delicious cakes! Highly recommended."


Head Gardener’s Newsletter – July ’23

That beautiful season the Summer! Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.  –   Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Antony Woodland Garden has Bloomed into Summer Summer is the perfect time to explore Antony Woodland’s pink and blue […]

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The Beauty of Bluebells at Antony Woodland

Not many wildlife spectacles can beat the overwhelming beauty of swathes of violet bluebells under the pale green of newly opened leaves. It can be argued that the British Isles are the true home of the bluebell (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) as, although the species is native to the mild, damp reaches […]

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Give the Gift of Peace, Nature and Tranquility this Mother’s Day

‘The Best Way to Really Appreciate Antony Woodland All Year Round is Undoubtably With A Season Ticket’ The utter joy you can experience in the peace and stillness of life at Antony Woodland Garden doesn’t just come from the stunning Spring camellias and magnolias. Visits from deer, woodpeckers, long-tailed tits […]

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